



2024-07-17 13:27:01 来源:网络


sitting room和living room有什么区别 -
sitting room和living room的区别:sitting room是美式英语,中文翻译为“客厅”,一般是和餐厅连在一起的;而living room是英式英语,中文也翻译为“客厅”,但是不一定和餐厅连在一起。一、sitting room的基本释义及双语例句sitting room中文翻译为起居室;客厅;是美式英语。例句有好了吧!
坐着的;坐姿的;现任的;在任期内的;孵蛋的;伏窝的;蹲着的;停落的二、读音:英[ˈsɪtɪŋ] 美[ˈsɪtɪŋ]。三、短语搭配:1. sitting room.客厅, 起居室。2. sitting duck.易受攻击者;容易上钩者;易被击中的目标。3. sitting 希望你能满意。


in the sitting room什么意思 -
in the sitting room的中文翻译in the sitting room 在客厅里双语例句1,“The quarreling couple stood in the sitting room, eyeball to eyeball.”“夫妻俩站在起居室里吵架,你瞪着我,我瞪着你。”2,He hedged off some space in the sitting room for bedding with a screen.他用屏风后面会介绍。
这句话的中文意思是,我们的起居室挨着我们的餐厅。be next to紧挨着,
livingroom是什么意思 -
翻译:要不回你家再说吧?这里不能倒放living room与sitting room都是客厅、起居室的意思,区别在于:前一个美国人常用,后一个英国人常用。bedroom和living room的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1、bedroom:卧室,有…个卧室的。2、living room:客厅,起居室。二、用法到此结束了?。
is my room,it's a small room,but it very nice。look!a dictionary on my desk,and my eraser is next to the dictionary。a picture on the wall,i like it very much。the pink quilt on my bed。my white piano is next to the bookcase,a doll is on the piano,it's so b是什么。
i am sitting in a quiet room 原文翻译 -
there is a big hall when you enter the gate. On the right of the hall is a sitting room.翻译:我梦想中的房子是在海边的一幢别墅。有两码的别墅里。前院是一个有许多美丽的花的植物为四四季花园。后院有一个游泳池,因为我的家人喜欢游泳。在一楼,有一个大厅,当你进入大门。大厅的右好了吧!
Mmm.issheinthelivingroom中文翻译? - she in the living room的中文翻译为:嗯,她在客厅吗Mmm的意思是:嗯,she的意思是:她in the的意思是:在room的意思是:客厅房间,
One sitting-room light has stopped working.2.卫生间天花板漏水了Water leaks in the ceiling of the washroom.3.空调散发出油漆味The air-conditioner smells of paint .4.客厅墙纸脱落了Part of the wallpaper in the siiting room has come off.5.客厅里坏了3个灯Three of the sitting有帮助请点赞。